About Us

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Meet Our Team

In 2023 Waldorf Essentials became an arm of Auriel's Light non profit. We believe at our core that the strength of a family lies in the stewardship it holds for one another. That stewardship begins with conscious parenting and continues with a conscious education.

Melisa Nielsen

Auriel's Light Founders Team

Melisa is the
Director of Waldorf Essentials. 

Erik Nielsen

Auriel's Light Founders Team

Erik is the
Director of PR & Marketing.

Melanie Novakovitch

Auriel's Light Founders Team

Melanie is the
Director of Seasons of Seven.


Head of the Waldorf Essentials
Success Team


Waldorf Essentials & Seasons of Seven Success Teams


Waldorf Essentials & Seasons of Seven Success Teams

Hello! I am so glad you stopped by.

Waldorf Essentials began with a dream. A dream that burned in my heart. I loved Steiner and his work. I saw the beauty of the curriculum working on my children and I wanted to bring more of it to the world. At the time, early 2000s, there wasn't much available for homeschoolers. Our curriculum was born from this space. I read Steiner and worked with Waldorf teachers to gain better understanding of the human being and what they need at each developmental stage.Ā  I learned from my own children, someĀ that are neurotypical children and some with spectrum challenges. This work is so healing for ALL children - and the parents who walk this path with them.Ā 

So, who are we? Iā€™m Melisa! A mom of five children with only two left at home. Iā€™ve been a wife, an ex-wife and a wife again.Ā Ā I am a stroke survivor and I love my life. I love to watercolor paint, knit and embroider and have a quiet afternoon with my family.

My husband, Erik, works alongside me. We team teach our children each week and he runs PR and marketing for our organization.Ā Ā Erik is a husband, father, entrepreneur, videographer and content creator, editor and teacher. He was a newspaper reporter and he occasionally might teach a high school class at our virtual school.

Melanie is my dear friend and our partner in this journey. She's mother to an amazing son, a homeschooler and a school teacher. Melanie also is the director of our virtual school,Ā Seasons of Seven, serving hundreds of families with this amazing Steiner centered education at truly a fraction of the cost. I have been so amazed at the true connection we have created there for families and teachers.Ā 

Our support staff, Jen, Nicole and Vanessa, they are all Waldorf parents on this journey too. You'll find them in our emails, running the show on our social platforms and lending a hand in Office Hours. These are truly amazing humans and I am so honored to have them on our team.Ā 

We love our work - we hope it shows!

We are all dedicated to the beauty cultivated in the conscious relationship of parenting and we are excited to help you on your homeschooling journey.



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