I want to do Waldorf homeschooling but it is so hard!

homeschooling May 12, 2024

I have heard this from many over the years. I try hard to not chuckle because when I started down this path there really was very little in the way of support. Eric Fairman's guides were about the only guides out there unless you wanted to spend hundreds of dollars on one of the two big companies. 

That money was never in my budget so I would each summer buy Fairman's newest book and write what we would do for the school year - it would take me a good two months to get it all in place but then I was set. I remember being so thankful for what was there. I also took this time to really get to know me, I was on a spiritual journey and I realized that Waldorf was as much about healing myself as it was about educating my children. I took the time to read Steiner and to formulate what would later become our books.

Waldorf isn't supposed to be easy, but it is WORTH IT. 

With anything in our lives that is worth having, it is worth working for. 

You were drawn to Waldorf for a reason - my guess is that you believe it was just for your child, but I would bet that deep down, it is for you. There is something from your schooling that you need to either heal or bring to your child and Waldorf has become that vehicle from the Spirit.

Take the time, ask questions, get comfortable - don't worry about being perfect from the beginning, your child won't know! They are just as ignorant to the method as you might be! They will follow your lead, your child/ren will love the time that you are spending. 

If you need help ask for it - don't worry about looking silly! Ask! We were all there at some point. 

Once you ask, take the time to seek and learn about it - don't judge things without taking them to the Spirit first. Spend time in prayer and meditation about how you will bring things to your child.

YOU CAN DO IT!! I know you can. I believe in you! Be that beacon for your family - you can do it.

Learn more about our Thinking, Feeling, Willing monthly membership to help you become confident on your Waldorf journey here.



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