Where Do I Get Confidence for Homeschooling and/or Parenting?

homeschooling parenting Jun 25, 2023

I have had a few questions about confidence so I was thinking it may be a hot topic among others. It is also a great topic for those with family events. 

Where does it come from?  It comes from doing something that you know is RIGHT and that you believe in.  It also comes from being well versed enough that you can talk to others about what you are learning - that comes with a bit of time. With our Thinking, Feeling, Willing program, you will have more confidence in how the curriculum is laid out, but it won't be until you see it in action that you will gain a full testimony.  Right now you'll have to lean a bit on my confidence.

For those of you who breastfed or still do, remember back to those first early days of being a Mom for the first time... your breasts were giant from your milk coming in and you were unsure about nursing in public. Maybe you were heckled by others and you just couldn't get comfortable, but you knew this was the right path so you stuck to it and little by little you got more brave, more bold - THIS is the place you are looking to get to with Waldorf. It takes time. You can't be an expert right away.  Don't look at the pretty blogs and then get discouraged about where you are... be glad you are on the path, happy you are with these children and willing to learn.  Little by little you will get there. Sleep on things before you make new decisions.  You will get there.

What about the homeschooling hecklers? Well over the years I have worked to develop a script that works and you don't have to even be snarky when you say it!

Well meaning friend/relative/lady on the street: "Oh you homeschool? How do you do that? I just could never do that, I don't know how you do it!"

You: "It really just takes commitment.  I don't know how you trust yours to a system everyday.  I really don't. I just don't think I could trust someone else to be leading my child when I don't really know them well or their background.  I guess I am just too picky about who my children are with."

Turn their words back on them  It doesn't have to be a heated or ugly exchange, just be matter of fact. My favorite is "what makes you qualified to teach?" At least in the schools they have a teaching certificate." My response is often "You are right there are some GREAT teachers and they are doing a wonderful job. It isn't those that worry me, it is the ones that got C's and D's in their teaching courses but are in the classroom. I am qualified because I am their mother and I work hard to be knowledgeable about what they need."

Homeschooling isn't for everyone of course - but if you are here, then you are wanting to learn, wanting to grow and wanting Waldorf for your child.  It just takes the WILL.  The confidence will come in time.  Just keep going.

Now if we are talking about a nosy aunt or a rude MIL, well I have also said "You had an opportunity to raise children, now it is my turn."  Say it with a smile, be sweet, disengage in the conversation.

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