My oldest, now an adult was my first experience with teaching handwriting. Those were some frustrating days. He has ASD (autism spectrum disorder) and while you wouldn't know it now to look at him, talk to him or have him teach you something, if you look at his handwriting you might wonder. Mainstream society would feed us a line of "oh boys typically have poor handwriting." While this is the case, in general, is that an excuse? They are male so they should write sloppy? My dad has beautiful handwriting - in fact so much so that my mom makes him address the holiday cards!
Handwriting is a will based activity. Having good handwriting takes time and practice. What happens though if you have a child with poor muscle tone and writing seems almost painful? This is often the case with many autism spectrum children. I was really trying to think about how we did things in those early days with my son. I stumbled upon one of my...
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