Sometimes you want a little more.
We get it! Maybe you didn't purchase support so you don't have our twice monthly office hours? Or maybe you have something more private that you want Melisa to tackle? Melisa's coaching is vast and while she works to provide all the answers within her programs, sometimes there is a need for something a little more personal.
Melisa's coaching can encompass:
- Understanding your temperament and supporting you through shadow work.
- Conscious parenting, understanding rhythm
- Raising teens
- Working with special needs
- Couples coaching
- Relationship coaching
- Divorce coaching
- Co-Parent coaching
- Waldorf curriculum coaching for homeschoolers and teachers
- Meditation & getting clarity on your spiritual path
- Creating a co-op, pod or learning group
- BizSchooling (running a business while homeschooling!)
Please keep in mind, ALL of these things can be covered in Office Hours if you purchased curriculum with our Support program.

An Hour All to Yourself!
Sometimes you just want to go straight to the source! You might not want group coaching, maybe your topic is private or you don't want to wait for everyone else to have their turn - maybe sharing is hard for you! This option has you covered. $200 an hour with a two hour minimum is required.