Planning for Peace like you've never seen it before!

We are so excited to share with you the amazing design of our Planning for Peace Journal. Your roadmap for a successful year. It holds all the amazing insight you'll need to hold your family rhythm and teach confidently, in a beautiful and colorful way.


  • Our teal Planning for Peace holds space for teaching one child in kindergarten and two children in the grades. There are plenty of planning pages to take you through the year perfectly planned.
  • Our rose Planning for Peace for Kindergarten is perfect for teaching kindergarten.  It has a circle time planner, kindergarten planners and evaluation pages for the year.
  • Our yellow Planning for Peace version is perfect for one child in the grades. Enough for one child through an entire school year. 

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  • Rhythm and menu planning pages.
  • Full year, block and daily planning pages.
  • Festival forms with Advent specific forms.
  • A whole section dedicated to planning out your entire year including calendar pages for a year!
  • So much more!
  • Did we mentioned it's colorful?
Things to know...
  • Our live zoom 2024 meetings for the northern hemisphere Planning for Peace will be in April, June, July,  and December. if you have not purchased Support you can still join. For times and topics please visit HERE
  • Planning for Peace is your yearly roadmap. This planner is the one and only planner you will ever need. Specially designed by Melisa for Waldorf homeschooling one or many children. Come lay out your year the Waldorf way and be prepared to teach.

If you have any questions please email us at [email protected].

What have others said about Planning for Peace?

"Our family has been homeschooling with Waldorf for many years and I have tried many different variations for planning. The Planning for Peace Journal has everything in one spot, with great spaces for writing and organizing my ideas. I love the sections for inner work and evaluations! I refer to my plans in the journal daily and look forward to using it again with two high school students and one middle school student!" ~ Lara Munro
"I have been homeschooling for five years. I have only been homeschooling with Planning for Peace for a few days. I have no idea how I have ever planned without it. I have many homeschooling years ahead of me. I will use Waldorf Essentials and Planning for Peace every single coming year."~Malenthia L.
"Having gotten to use it through what I’d consider a huge life changing situation I can fully attest that using this planner in particular, can have you fully set up for unforeseen circumstances happening. It’s been talked about in planning before how having this planner is a huge value through people having babies or moves etc. This is something I don’t think stressed enough as a value. There is a peace of mind that everyone should know comes along with doing the work of using this planner and the inner work along the way. Sorry for the long winded feedback. This has now become something I’m emotionally attached to. I’ll forever be grateful for the planning I had done for this school year and how I was able to feel confident that my kids and family got what they needed from their education and unfolding this year AND I was able to support my mom bc my planning was done and able to be handed off as “open and go” for my husband during that time. Thank you WALDORF ESSENTIALS!” ~Jess O.

"I've taken on more of our school days and the Planning for Peace journal helps keep me on track. The journal Melisa created gives me a clear picture of where we've been, where we are at and where we are going. I'd be lost without it." ~ Erik Nielsen​​​​
"I’m sure you hear this all the time, but your planner has literally changed my entire homeschool life.  This past year we went through major home construction and although we had to sacrifice some parts of our typical Waldorf homeschool, our main lessons stayed intact and we have been caught up all year. Because of your planner I enjoy and LOOK FORWARD to planning with you every year.  I already loved your curriculum, but I really think your homeschool planner needs to be in the hands of every single homeschool mom or dad." ~ Jenn M.   

Teachers Plan.

That's the bold truth. If you are a teacher, OWN IT. Ask my level of planning and prep what I'd like someone to have if they were teaching my child? Or would you expect more? Would you like that teacher to have crammed a few weeks before school started or would you hope they took the time thinking about their students and planning out lessons?
Now...are you ready to truly OWN being a teacher? If you want people to take you seriously then you have to OWN the part.


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