133. Being Intentional Online
Melisa Nielsen knows what it is like being a parent, homeschooling and running a business.
There are a lot of benefits on being online, but it needs to be used with intention.
It is common that when kids see you using a device they want to join in. Don't start the habit, it is hard to break once they get use to seeing you and come ask to do their own device time.
Have a conversation, explaining what you are doing and why.
Are you using a device online to build your business?
Are you using a device online to research and plan for your homeschooling?
It's ok to need to check out and de wind for a bit on your computer or phone. Do it for an hour and get off. Don't mindlessly scroll all day everyday.
Most importantly unfollow accounts that make you go into comparison and not feel good enough. You don't need to be in all the groups and seethings that ruin your day!
You can also find us on YouTube "Waldorf Essentials"
Please share with your fellow parenting friends and homeschoolers. We are in this journey together.
Have the homeschool and peaceful foundation of your dreams.
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