141. Creating a Homeschool Co Op

Season #1

Melisa Nielsen has been homeschooling for over 15 years +

Along the way she has created and let many co ops. 


Want more in depth training for creating a homeschool co op?



Here she shares with you tips to starting a homeschool co op and busts common myths homeschool families experience when wanting community. 


A homeschool co op brings you community in your homeschooling. Bounce ideas off one another and most importantly support one another when you need help. 


You can also find us on YouTube "Waldorf Essentials"

Please share with your fellow parenting friends and homeschoolers. We are in this journey together. 


Have the homeschool and peaceful foundation of your dreams. 


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/waldorf_essentials/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WaldorfEssentials/

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/waldorfessentials/_created/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/WaldorfMelisa


50% Complete

Two Step

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