199. Boundaries with Children
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Setting and holding boundaries with children is a daily exercise in patience but one that has the opportunity to be very rewarding. In this parenting focused video, Melisa gets to the heart of setting and holding boundaries with children in age-appropriate ways. She talks about the importance of how we show up as parents and the unfair advantage we have when we engage in arguments with our children.
In this video you will learn:
- How to not fall into the “friend” trap.
- Why it is unfair to your child to engage in arguments with them.
- How access to a community and program such as Parents In Sync, can be immeasurably valuable.
- What questions to ask yourself when you are having struggles with your children.
- Most importantly, how to create and hold boundaries in a way that allows everyone to be treated with love and dignity.
You can also find us on YouTube "Waldorf Essentials"
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Have the homeschool and peaceful foundation of your dreams.
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