Terms, Conditions & Returns



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Thank you for visiting our sites.

In 2023 Waldorf Essentials became an arm of Auriel’s Light.  Auriel’s Light is a 508C1A non profit faith based organization. Our purpose is to support conscious parenting through inner work and education.

These terms and conditions are in place for our brands including: Waldorf Essentials, Seasons of Seven and Three Fold Family.

These terms also apply to the following brands which you may have purchased content through: MelisaNielsen.com, WaldorfEssentials,com, BizSchooling.com, ParentsinSYNC.com, ParentsWhoTHRIVE.com, PeacefulFoundations.com and ALittleGardenFlower.com. 

SeasonsOfSeven.com has its own terms and you can view those on that site as needed. Using the term "this website" applies to all the sites named. 

By accessing this website, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms of service, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained in this website are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law.



Waldorf Essentials Curriculum & Training:

  • There are no refunds for this program- digital or hard copy. There are no refunds if purchased through our publisher Lulu. We make every effort to answer questions before purchase, if you have them please contact us HERE. 
  • Memberships are non-transferable. You may not share your log in details with anyone outside of your own family without written permission from us.  If you sell or attempt to sell your membership, your access will be revoked. 
  • If you sell digital print outs of our program or curriculum your access will be revoked.
  • This is a single person license, NOT a transfer of title. You may not alter any of this work. You may download the materials for your own personal use unless other written permission is given. 
  • You may not use the materials for public display or production without written permission.
  • You may not host ANY of our materials on your server. 
  • You may not use this work for a group/pod/co-op/school without the written permission of Auriel’s Light. If so, we reserve the right to revoke training, support and curriculum access. For more information about groups/pods/co-ops visit HERE. 
  • You may not give our materials out to other teachers in your school.  A school site license with the use of our program can be obtained by contacting us directly HERE. 
  • School Site License: A school site license is required for any in-person or online institution that is teaching more than a single family. This includes cooperatives, cottage schools, online programs, private schools, charter schools. Please contact our team for current pricing. Organizations operating without a site license risk having their access revoked.
  • The program will train you to become a Waldorf Homeschool Teacher and bring you the content to teach your child or children.  The program only works if you are committed to working. Melisa and the other coaches match their energy to your effort, let’s work together to help you make big changes for you and your family! 

Thinking Feeling Willing Lifetime Membership

  • Your membership may not be sold.
  • Digital copies of curriculum or course content may not be sold.
  • This is a single person license. Any hard copies that are sold from your time in the program are subject to the upgrade rules below, once you sell the product, it will be removed from your account. 
  • If you are a member with Hard Copies for Life, please remember that you are entitled to ONE hard copy of each grade only.  

Thinking Feeling Willing Monthly 

  •  This is non-transferable and there are no refunds. These are digital products. It is entirely up to you to use the resources.  You may not share your log in with anyone without expressed written consent of Waldorf Essentials.

Multi Child Bundles

  • These are intended to be used by families in a single household. Please do not split this with another family. Your membership will be terminated and you will not be refunded. We have group buys available for families that want to order together please contact us if you want group pricing.  


Violation of these terms will result in termination of your single person license and no refund will be given. 


eBooks, MP3s, streaming video & workshops ~ There are no refunds or exchanges on eBooks, digital workshops, eCourses, streaming content or on line intensives.  We make every effort to describe these well. Please ask questions before buying and see our samples, they are a really good way to get a taste of our work.

There is NO reselling or gifting of ebooks, workshops or any streaming content.  It is a single user product. You may print a copy of the eBook for yourself but you may not sell that copy.  Line your birdcage or cat pan with it, but do not resell it, please. You may save a copy to your computer.  You may make a backup copy of these files for yourself only.

If you would like to give ebooks as gifts, please contact us for a gift certificate.


  •  You are more than welcome to sell your hard copies once you are done HOWEVER the online content will NOT be made available to these second hand purchases. Please make your buyers aware.
  • If you are selling a hard copy, please advise your buyer that they will need to have proof of purchase from you. Upon selling it, your access to the curriculum and content will be removed and if your buyer wants the online access, they will need to purchase it from us. This cost varies depending on the grade purchased.
  • By requesting a hard copy of P4P you are agreeing that you are the end user and you will not sell Planning for Peace.
  • The buyer can request this upgrade and send their proof of purchase with your full name and email to us HERE.

Past Purchases Curriculum Users (Pre August 2020) may upgrade to our new version. This cost varies depending on the grade purchased. Please message us for details.

Hard copy items ~  We do not take returns on hard copy items.  If you have made a purchasing error try swapping or selling it in a Waldorf Facebook group keeping the above guidelines for reselling in mind.


  • We strive to always have good communication with our members. This means that you are subscribed to product specific emails so you can receive updates on those products. You must choose this in the check out when purchasing. We are not responsible for communication where you may have opted out of emails.
  • We want you to always have access to your products, of course, this will vary depending on your purchase.  If you purchased an eBook or podcast, the safest way for you to keep track of them is to save them in a folder on your computer or put them on a memory stick.  We make every effort to replace links for you when needed, however, it is really helpful for us if you can also give us a purchase date and email you purchased with.  With our new site, we don’t have access to many older store files, helping us with a date or invoice number is very helpful and makes it quicker as we hunt for it on our end. If we change a link to a streaming product, we will make every effort to let you know through email. Unfortunately, email is not always reliable, so please feel free to contact us if you have trouble.

Charter School ~ We work with many schools throughout the United States.  If you want your school to use us as a vendor just have them contact me and we can set it up. Please note that ALL purchases belong to the FAMILY, not the charter school. Our process for charter schools is HERE

School Site License ~ We work with several schools that use our curriculum. A school site license is required for any in-person or online institution that is teaching more than a single family. This includes cooperatives, cottage schools, online programs, private schools, charter schools. Please contact our team for current pricing. Organizations operating without a site license risk having their access revoked. Please contact us if you would like information on a site license for your school. We need to know the number of teachers and the grades you are interested in. All of our content comes with support and training, even for teachers. More information HERE

Payment Plans ~ Please note that if you opted for a payment plan for any of your purchases, you are required by law to complete your payment plan. We reserve the right to seek recovery of any monies remaining unpaid via our Collection Agency. If you have any questions about our Refund and Return Policy, please send an email to [email protected] and we will be happy to assist you.

Consulting/Coaching ~ There are no refunds on consulting.

Coaching is a very personal endeavor. It takes commitment on our end and also on your end. Sometimes accountability is painful and frustrating. Sometimes it is exciting and expanding. Sometimes you don't get the results you want. Sometimes you get results that are better than you could have imagined. Your success is completely dependent on you, your partner and the actions you both take to move forward. We work hard to tailor experiences to your specific needs. We may at times need to dig a little deeper to have the information we need to help you. We will ALWAYS keep your personal information personal. Integrity is very important to us.

We know that sometimes all these rules can be a downer. We are sincerely sorry if we fall short of your expectations. Our goal is to continually strive to do better and work harder than before. Please realize that we are a small company.  We strive to answer email timely and to meet the needs of our clients and customers. When you support Waldorf Essentials, you are supporting families that probably aren't too different from your own. We have budgets and babies and children to homeschool. As we have grown we also have other families that help us. Your support is appreciated. We do make every effort to work with you when there is a problem and only ask that you do the same.

We make every effort to help you enjoy our products. Please feel free to contact us if you have questions. We love happy customers… this depends a lot on how customers feel when they come to shop with us… please be in a good and a happy place. Peace abounds. Blessings!


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