Etheric Part Two

steiner Feb 11, 2024

Let's look at something you might already know how to do but didn't realize you should be doing it for yourself, not just your children:

Form drawing - this is incredible inner work. I find that working on forms gives me peace and comfort when I am struggling to connect to God because I can't get over myself, lol... yes, I have days when my ego wants to rule and I need to step back.  If I can't get out of that angry place on my own, I turn to form drawing.  Knocking out some of those knotted grade 4 forms will help rebalance me and allow me to connect back to the mama I enjoy being.

Block crayon drawing, painting or any other artistic endeavor that is NOT school related.  Now that doesn't mean you can't be practicing a picture you want to bring to your child later, but it does mean that school work with your child does not count.  This is about working on YOU so if your energies are divided and your focus is your child then you won't be able to have the healing you are seeking. Any artistic work is helpful, but the key is that you are doing it for yourself.

Spatial dynamics or eurythmy (archetypal movement) - both are good, if you can find an instructor near you, I highly recommend taking classes. We also offer online eurythmy in our Thinking, Feeling, Willing program.

Meditation work - Steiner's backward meditation is considered to be a great builder.  This isn't a hard meditation, it involves finishing the day, tucking your children in, turning off the TV and hour by hour going back through your day.  I find this especially useful when I've had a bad day... I like doing a forward meditation and a backward one.  The backward one is especially helpful though. This is a great will developer too.  The forward one is great for the morning and the backward for the evening.

The biggest thing we can do to strengthen ourselves is to get out of our own way.  We can't make progress by making excuses. If there are medical issues we work with them, if there are issues with our children getting the proper amount of sleep, we work with them, if we are fighting our own will, we strengthen it, without getting frustrated, we just walk on.  Let people help you.  Give yourself permission to be happy, strong and vital.  Give yourself the go ahead to be a Beacon for your family.

Read Part One here.


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