Biography Work for Our Children

reading Sep 10, 2023
I came across an article that I thought would be of interest to moms looking at the *whys* of certain stories through the years.  Of course Steiner lays this out several times, but it is always good to read the words of others as well - I love to hear the thoughts of teachers as they have worked through the curriculum on their own and have additional insights.
The article is Biography in Education by William Bryant I found it at the Waldorf Online Library - one of my favorite resources!  The article explains the use of biographies through the grades and what each one does to work on the souls of our children.  It is relatively short, 3 pages, but full of great tid bits and usable content.

"Biography possesses remedial qualities, too, for we can bring a great life to bear on the particular problems of a child. This can be related to and guided by the temperaments. The choleric will grasp for the leaders of men, their nobility of purpose, or will perceive the narrow greed that drove them on to self-destruction. The melancholic will drink deep the draught of lives dedicated to the overcoming of suffering, or those who sink beneath the weighty burden of life. The sanguine will be delighted by a fast-changing life, the eagerness, the vitality and vivacity of a many faceted purpose, or the dissipation by the temptations that lie along the way. The phlegmatic will be encouraged by those who stand resolute and firm, upholding their tasks in spite of the floods and storms that inundate them, or recognize those who fail to act when the time is ripe -monuments to lost opportunity."

Happy reading!

You might also enjoy this blog post on how Waldorf Education is laid out by the grade. 

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