Waldorf Homeschooling: A Few Things That Have Helped Me Through the Years

Don't assume that because someone has a pretty blog picture of some beautiful brand new Waldorfy wooden bowl or awesome accessory that their whole house is that way. More likely than not, you are seeing this person's favorite spaces in their home. We all have these. We all have things that we have worked really hard for and while they don't mean much to most people, they mean the world to us. Find nooks and crannies like this in your home. Even if your home isn't exactly what you want, find things about it to love. Waldorf can be done anywhere that there are children, from tiny apartments to farms to modest city dwelling. You don't have to have a big set up with a lot of space.  Chalk boards are nice but you can do without.

You have to learn to really love your home. I know that is a tall order, I have rented a good portion of my adult life and I can’t say there were many that I *loved* - but I did decide early on that if I didn’t find  way to love my house,...

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The Homeschool Curriculum Junkie

homeschooling Jul 23, 2023

I know, I know - you are rolling your eyes right now thinking "sure she'll talk about that because she only wants us to buy hers!" NOT SO! I want you to buy what is right for your child, your style and your family and that could mean mine or others on the market. My purpose for this blog post isn't to promote us - it is simply to save you headache, heartache and frustration.

It is to save you from standing back and knowing that you have it all and don't know where to start!  Of course there are the moms that come to me and say "but I want to have a lot of options to pull from!" I can understand that, I really can, but take it from some who has experience - too much is TOO MUCH!  It doesn't help you plan better or learn more efficiently, it usually only serves to make you lay awake at night trying to figure out how to piece it all together.

Now I should note that I am not talking to folks who pull together their own mix from scratch, that is a different post all together....

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Waldorf Math Stories

four processes Jul 16, 2023

Question: If my child doesn't have their times tables memorized, should I hold him/her back until they do?

Answer: No. In Waldorf, there really is no concept of holding children back like there would be in public school. Of course we always talk about the history & language arts material fitting the child's age, but what about math? I have found that some children pick up math quickly and others are a little poky about it. I firmly stand behind Waldorf math and the way it is laid out and the concepts are introduced. We wrote our math book based on those concepts - all Steiner.

The thought behind it is mastery, but not in the same way that we would in a public school setting.  There are no timed tests. We allow the children to make a times table sheet and we give them the space they need to learn them. Some children are in 4th grade, others in 7th! They will get tired of looking them up and commit them to memory. I have watched it happen with my children at different times....

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What is Essential in Waldorf Homeschooling?

waldorf education Jul 09, 2023

What is essential? It is a question that Rudolf Steiner tells us to ask of ourselves.  I have been at this a long time and the word essential always stops me… cold.  Of course, like many moms, I love the beauty of a Waldorf home.  Simple, clean lines, beautiful wooden toys, beeswax crayons, soft tones.  The stage is set for such a warming atmosphere – one where we would all love to curl up and stay.   This isn’t Waldorf though – this is materialism. Often when moms can’t have that perfect home they get down, feel depressed or spend every extra dollar on that next wooden toy.  Is this essential?  I say no.  I’ve been at this for many years and yes, we have beautiful play things that we have acquired, we have many of the material desires of the Waldorf heart, but it took me years to obtain them.  Looking back, while I was pining for the look of the...

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The Mood of the Waldorf Home...school

homeschooling Jul 02, 2023

I have had a lot of questions about how to cultivate mood at home. I think this is one of those things that you take for granted after you've been at this for a while. We can feel if the mood is off or on. It comes from doing. Reading all the books about the school setting or looking at pretty blog posts won't help with the mood.

One night it struck me. I was watching a silly movie after all the kids were in bed. Ramen Girl. It was a great little feel good movie. In the movie, the girl wants to learn the age old tradition of making Ramen (not the cheap stuff you get at the store!) This seems to be a big deal for her teacher as it is more than just a recipe that you put together in a pot. She watches and watches and tries and tries.  She fails time and again. Her teacher tries to help her understand that it isn't the ingredients, it is the Spirit that she is missing. She eventually breaks herself down and becomes humble and then her soup is successful.  Where am I...

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Where Do I Get Confidence for Homeschooling and/or Parenting?

homeschooling parenting Jun 25, 2023

I have had a few questions about confidence so I was thinking it may be a hot topic among others. It is also a great topic for those with family events. 

Where does it come from?  It comes from doing something that you know is RIGHT and that you believe in.  It also comes from being well versed enough that you can talk to others about what you are learning - that comes with a bit of time. With our Thinking, Feeling, Willing program, you will have more confidence in how the curriculum is laid out, but it won't be until you see it in action that you will gain a full testimony.  Right now you'll have to lean a bit on my confidence.

For those of you who breastfed or still do, remember back to those first early days of being a Mom for the first time... your breasts were giant from your milk coming in and you were unsure about nursing in public. Maybe you were heckled by others and you just couldn't get comfortable, but you knew this was the right path so you stuck to...

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Homeschool Rhythm When Life Feels Crazy

rhythm Jun 18, 2023

I get this question often. How do we keep a rhythm with the endless breaks we may be taking for family visiting, the baby that is coming or even just the weekend? How do I keep it going without school as the anchor? 

First things first... realize that rhythm is tied to YOU. As Mom, you have to be on top of your game. At this point, if you are new to this and you are still working on getting up before your children, you may not be totally sold on it being all about you, but my hope is that you are starting to see it. When you do your part (WILLING) then things fall into place and you can then be holding the space, being present and your family will do their part. Start with that impulse to get up and connect with the Divine first thing in the morning.  That means actively (vs. passively) connecting... that means addressing the Deity, opening the prayer, etc. That will look different to everyone, but it is consciously opening a dialog - yes, it will feel odd at...

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Waldorf Education - Science Through the Grades Road Map Pt. 2

science waldorf by grade Jun 11, 2023

This is a two part post.  Part 1 is HERE.

The first post focused on science through grade 5.  Now we'll tackle what comes next. I do think for homeschoolers, the most important thing to keep in mind is not to be intimidated. Science was never my strong point in school, but I found myself enjoying it so much while I have been preparing for our lessons.  Remember that it is about owning what you do know and blessing it so you can take it to your children - take the time to prepare, not cram, preparation can be as simple as working through the material and letting it sit or it can be actually working through experiments to see the outcome.  So much has to do with how you learn and how you can then transform that learning into a living experience for your child.

Grade 6/Class 6: This year children get a taste of physics with sound, heat, light, magnetism and static electricity. It also digs deeply into geology, minerals of the Earth and their qualities (in...

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Waldorf Education - Science Through the Grades Road Map Pt. 1

science waldorf by grade Jun 04, 2023
Often I get emails from moms with young children that look forward to the first few years of the curriculum and don't see science and begin to panic.  I also get emails from those that are part of state/government mandated programs and they worry about the science content as well.  Unless you know where to look, it might seem that Waldorf doesn't have a strength in this area until middle elementary and even then it may look weak to some. It leaves an impression that this is only a liberal arts education and not heavy in math or science at all.  I am hoping this post will clear up some of that misconception and also help those that might need it to know just what to say when nay-sayers come knocking.

In the text "Rudolf Steiner's Curriculum for Waldorf Schools," Karl Stockmeyer methodically lays out Steiner's recommendations for the first schools - in fact the subtitle is "An attempt to summarise his indications" - I am not sure I would recommend this book for...

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Love & Respect in Parenting and Partnering

parenting partnering May 28, 2023

As I am working with more and more families, I am saddened to see something happen more and more often. We live in a society that sees teens swapping partners and having no reverence for their body as a temple. As parents we are often scratching our heads at the choices these teens make. There is no judgement from me, because some teens just make poor choices, no matter how good your parenting is, but then there are those who are coming from homes spinning out of control and we have to ask ourselves... where does it end? When will our young men and young women realize that they are sacred beings? They will understand it when we not only teach them, but show them too. They can't see it if we are modeling for them bad habits. 

Stand back. How are you speaking? How are you allowing yourself to be spoken to? What words are coming from the mouths of your teens... your partner? Are they words of love and respect? Or are they filled with bile and hatred? This topic is near...

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